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TCAN3413 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - Texas Instruments |
TCAN3413 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - Texas Instruments |
5 / 42 page ![]() 6.5 Thermal Characteristics (continued) THERMAL METRIC(1) TCAN3413/3414 UNIT D (SOIC) DDF (SOT) DRB (VSON) RΘJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 58.0 45.7 23.2 ℃/W ΨJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 7.0 1.3 1.4 ℃/W ΨJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 57.1 45.4 23.2 ℃/W RΘJC(bot) Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance N/A N/A 7.7 ℃/W (1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application report. 6.6 Supply Characteristics parameters valid over recommended operating conditions with -40 ℃ ≤ TJ ≤ 150℃ (Typical values are at VCC = 3.3 V; VIO = 3.3 V for TCAN3413, Device ambient maintained at 27 ℃) unless otherwise noted PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ICC Supply current normal mode (TCAN3414) Dominant TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V RL = 60 Ω, CL = open See Figure 7-1 TBD 55 mA Dominant TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V RL = 50 Ω, CL = open See Figure 7-1 TBD 60 mA Recessive TXD = VCC, STB = 0 V RL = 50 Ω, CL = open See Figure 7-1 TBD 8.2 mA ICC Supply current normal mode (TCAN3414) Dominant with bus fault TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V CANH = CANL = ±25 V RL = open, CL = open See Figure 7-1 130 mA Supply current standby mode (TCAN3413) TXD = STB = VIO, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open, TJ <= 85 °C, See Figure 7-1 TBD 2 µA TXD = STB = VIO, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open, TJ <= 125 °C, See Figure 7-1 TBD 3 TXD = STB = VIO, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open, TJ <= 150 °C, See Figure 7-1 TBD 4 Supply current standby mode (TCAN3414) TXD = STB = VCC, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open, TJ <= 85 °C, See Figure 7-1 TBD 15 µA TXD = STB = VCC, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open, TJ <= 125 °C, See Figure 7-1 TBD 16 TXD = STB = VCC, RL = 50 Ω, CL = open, TJ <= 150 °C, See Figure 7-1 TBD 17 IIO (only for TCAN34 13) I/O supply current normal mode Dominant TXD = 0 V, STB = 0 V RL = 60 Ω, CL = open RXD floating 125 300 µA recessive TXD = VIO, STB = 0 V RL = 60 Ω, CL = open RXD floating 25 48 I/O supply current standby mode TXD = VIO, STB = VIO RL = 60 Ω, CL = open RXD floating, TJ <= 85 °C 9 13 TXD = VIO, STB = VIO RL = 60 Ω, CL = open RXD floating, TJ <= 125 °C 9 14 TXD = VIO, STB = VIO RL = 60 Ω, CL = open RXD floating, TJ <= 150 °C 9 15 ICC Supply current (VCC pin current), shutdown mode (TCAN3414) SHDN = VCC, RXD floating, TXD = VCC, TJ <= 85 °C 2 µA SHDN = VCC, RXD floating, TXD = VCC, TJ <= 150 °C 5 UVCC(R) Undervoltage detection VCC rising Ramp up 2.75 2.9 V UVCC(F) Undervoltage detection on VCC falling Ramp down 2.5 2.65 www.ti.com TCAN3413, TCAN3414 SLLSFS8 – MARCH 2023 Copyright © 2023 Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Document Feedback 5 Product Folder Links: TCAN3413 TCAN3414 |
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