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TCAN3413 Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Texas Instruments |
TCAN3413 Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Texas Instruments |
14 / 42 page ![]() 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The TCAN341x devices are 3.3 V CAN FD transceivers with robust EMC performance. The devices are data rate agnostic making them backward compatible for supporting classical CAN applications while also supporting CAN FD networks up to 8 Mbps. The devices have standby mode support which puts the transceiver in low current consumption mode. Upon receiving valid wake-up pattern on CAN bus, the device signals to the micro-controller through the RXD pin. The MCU can then place the device in normal mode using STB pin. TCAN3414 supports ultra-low power shutdown mode where most of the internal blocks are disabled. This feature is optimized for battery-powered applications. TCAN3413 supports VIO pin for low voltage logic level interface. It can be interfaced to 1.8 V, 2.5 V or 3.3 V micro controllers. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram 6 7 TSD UVP Mode Select 4 8 Logic Output TXD STB RXD CANH CANL GND 5 SHDN or VIO 3 VCC 1 2 VCC or VIO VCC or VIO Dominant time-out VCC or VIO WUP Monitor MUX Low Power Receiver Shutdown Figure 8-1. Block Diagram 8.3 Feature Description 8.3.1 Pin Descripton TXD The TXD input is a logic-level signal from a CAN controller to the transceiver. The signal is referenced to VCC for the TCAN3414, or to VIO for the TCAN3413. GND GND is the ground pin of the transceiver. The pin must be connected to the PCB ground. TCAN3413, TCAN3414 SLLSFS8 – MARCH 2023 www.ti.com 14 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2023 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TCAN3413 TCAN3414 |
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