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SN65HVD230 Datasheet(PDF) 6 Page - Texas Instruments |
SN65HVD230 Datasheet(HTML) 6 Page - Texas Instruments |
6 / 32 page DRIVER ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DRIVER SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS SN65HVD230 SN65HVD231 SN65HVD232 SLOS346H – MARCH 2001 – REVISED JULY 2006 over recommended operating conditions (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP(1) MAX UNIT CANH 2.45 VCC VI = 0 V, VOH Dominant See Figure 1 and Figure 3 CANL 0.5 1.25 Bus output V voltage CANH 2.3 VI = 3 V, VOL Recessive See Figure 1 and Figure 3 CANL 2.3 VI = 0 V, See Figure 1 1.5 2 3 VOD(D) Dominant V VI = 0 V, See Figure 2 1.2 2 3 Differential output voltage VI = 3 V, See Figure 1 -120 0 12 mV VOD(R) Recessive VI = 3 V, No load -0.5 -0.2 0.05 V IIH High-level input current VI = 2 V -30 µA IIL Low-level input current VI = 0.8 V -30 µA VCANH = -2 V -250 250 IOS Short-circuit output current mA VCANL = 7 V -250 250 Co Output capacitance See receiver Standby SN65HVD230 V(Rs) = VCC 370 600 µA Sleep SN65HVD231 V(Rs) = VCC, D at VCC 0.04 1 Supply ICC current Dominant VI = 0 V, No load Dominant 10 17 All devices mA Recessive VI = VCC, No load Recessive 10 17 (1) All typical values are at 25 °C and with a 3.3-V supply. over recommended operating conditions (unless otherwise noted) TEST PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT CONDITIONS SN65HVD230 AND SN65HVD231 V(Rs) = 0 V 35 85 Propagation delay time, low-to-high-level tPLH RS with 10 kΩ to ground 70 125 ns output RS with 100 kΩ to ground 500 870 V(Rs) = 0 V 70 120 Propagation delay time, high-to-low-level tPHL RS with 10 kΩ to ground 130 180 ns output RS with 100 kΩ to ground 870 1200 V(Rs) = 0 V 35 CL = 50 pF, tsk(p) Pulse skew (|tPHL - tPLH|) RS with 10 kΩ to ground 60 ns See Figure 4 RS with 100 kΩ to ground 370 tr Differential output signal rise time 25 50 100 ns V(Rs) = 0 V tf Differential output signal fall time 40 55 80 ns tr Differential output signal rise time 80 120 160 ns RS with 10 kΩ to ground tf Differential output signal fall time 80 125 150 ns tr Differential output signal rise time 600 800 1200 ns RS with 100 kΩ to ground tf Differential output signal fall time 600 825 1000 ns SN65HVD232 tPLH Propagation delay time, low-to-high-level output 35 85 tPHL Propagation delay time, high-to-low-level output 70 120 CL = 50 pF, tsk(p) Pulse skew (|tPHL - tPLH|) 35 ns See Figure 4 tr Differential output signal rise time 25 50 100 tf Differential output signal fall time 40 55 80 6 Submit Documentation Feedback |
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