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J-3424-5 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - PARKER HANNIFIN CORP |
J-3424-5 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - PARKER HANNIFIN CORP |
2 / 10 page ![]() A part’s listing in this catalog does not guarantee its availability. To download/print the most current catalog, go to www.LORD.com. Rev.4 10/13 Shear Compression Part Dimensions Part Number Type Elastomer Maximum Spring Rate Maximum Spring Rate A B Static Load KS Static Load KC lb N lb/in N/mm lb N lb/in N/mm in mm in mm SMB003-0100-1 1 NR 1 4 18 3 7 31 100 18 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB003-0100-2 1 NR 1.5 7 26 5 10 44 138 24 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB003-0100-7 1 OR 1.5 7 26 5 10 44 180 32 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB003-0100-3 1 NR 2 9 40 7 13 58 200 35 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB003-0100-43 1 OR 2.5 11 30 5 11 49 143 25 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB003-0100-42 1 OR 2.5 11 30 5 11 49 143 25 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB003-0100-9 1 OR 3 13 50 9 17 76 285 50 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB003-0200-6 2 OR 1 4 50 9 6 27 260 46 0.38 9.7 0.19 4.8 SMB003-0200-9 2 OR 3 13 120 21 11 49 360 63 0.38 9.7 0.19 4.8 SMB003-0100-12 1 OR 4 18 375 66 25 111 2000 350 0.38 9.7 0.38 9.7 SMB006-0100-2 1 NR 5 22 55 10 35 156 325 57 0.62 15.7 0.50 12.7 SMB006-0100-7 1 OR 5 22 55 10 35 156 325 57 0.62 15.7 0.50 12.7 SMB006-0100-9 1 OR 9 40 105 18 60 267 700 123 0.62 15.7 0.50 12.7 SMB006-0200-6 2 OR 4 18 90 16 17 76 510 89 0.62 15.7 0.25 6.4 SMB006-0200-9 2 OR 7 31 180 32 35 156 1020 179 0.62 15.7 0.25 6.4 J-4624-109 1 OR 3 13 28 5 28 125 195 34 1.0 25.4 0.38 9.7 J-4624-43 2 NR 4 18 130 23 18 80 565 99 1.0 25.4 0.25 6.4 J-4624-19 1 NR 6 27 55 10 36 160 320 56 1.0 25.4 0.38 9.7 J-4624-57 1 NR 6 27 55 10 36 160 320 56 1.0 25.4 0.62 15.7 J-4624-479 2 OR 8 36 230 40 44 196 1000 175 1.0 25.4 0.25 6.4 J-4624-165 2 NR 9 40 185 32 35 156 765 134 1.0 25.4 0.25 6.4 J-4624-1 1 OR 12 53 105 18 64 285 620 109 1.0 25.4 0.38 9.7 J-4624-14 1 OR 12 53 105 18 64 285 620 109 1.0 25.4 0.50 12.7 J-4624-27 1 OR 12 53 105 18 64 285 620 109 1.0 25.4 0.75 19.1 J-4624-119 1 OR 12 53 105 18 64 285 620 109 1.0 25.4 0.88 22.4 J-4624-23 1 OR 17 76 180 18 110 489 940 165 1.0 25.4 0.62 15.7 J-4624-63 1 OR 22 98 200 35 135 601 1200 210 1.0 25.4 0.75 19.1 J-4624-13 1 OR 22 98 200 35 135 601 1200 210 1.0 25.4 0.50 12.7 J-4624-3 1 OR 22 98 300 53 135 601 1470 257 1.0 25.4 0.88 22.4 J-4624-45 1 OR 22 98 200 35 135 601 1200 210 1.0 25.4 0.75 19.1 J-4624-545 2 OR 22 98 500 53 135 601 2100 368 1.0 25.4 0.25 6.4 J-4624-32 1 OR 29 129 260 46 200 890 1800 315 1.0 25.4 0.50 12.7 J-4624-351 1 OR 29 129 260 46 200 890 1800 315 1.0 25.4 0.50 12.7 J-4624-10 2 NR 40 178 750 131 168 747 4200 735 1.0 25.4 0.25 6.4 J-4624-7 3 NR — — — — 30 133 400 70 1.0 25.4 — — J-4624-2 3 OR — — — — 90 400 750 131 1.0 25.4 — — J-4624-851 1 NR 12 53 105 18 64 285 620 109 1.0 25.4 0.50 12.3 J-4624-827 3 PB — — — — 53 236 580 102 1.0 25.4 — — J-4624-873 1 OR 29 129 260 46 200 890 1800 315 1.0 25.4 0.75 19.1 J-4624-556 1 NR 35 156 200 35 135 601 1200 210 1.0 25.4 0.75 19.1 J-11729-123 1 NR 20 89 150 26 180 801 950 166 1.5 38.1 0.75 19.1 J-11729-126 1 OR 25 111 185 32 190 845 1000 175 1.5 38.1 0.75 19.1 J-11729-169 1 NR 30 133 125 22 225 1001 900 158 1.5 38.1 0.75 19.1 J-11729-124 1 NR 35 156 320 56 300 1334 1715 300 1.5 38.1 0.75 19.1 J-11729-127 1 OR 35 156 320 56 300 1334 1600 280 1.5 38.1 0.75 19.1 J-11729-125 1 NR 50 222 380 67 420 1868 2000 350 1.5 38.1 0.75 19.1 J-11729-177 2 OR 20 89 225 39 60 267 900 158 1.5 38.1 0.33 8.4 J-11729-187 2 OR 22 98 320 56 100 445 2050 359 1.5 38.1 0.33 8.4 J-11729-190 2 NR 25 111 110 19 120 534 500 88 1.5 38.1 0.33 8.4 J-11729-195 3 OR — — — — 250 1112 1820 319 1.5 38.1 — — J-11729-666 1 NR 11 49 550 96 90 400 3750 657 1.5 38.1 0.75 19.1 Page 30 of 124 FLEX-BOLT ™ SANDWICH MOUNTS Small Sandwich Mounts (Standard UNC Threads) Table 1 – Specifications and Dimensions NR = Natural Rubber OR = Oil-Resistant Elastomer - Neoprene PB = Oil-Resistant Elastomer |
Número de pieza similar - J-3424-5 |
Descripción similar - J-3424-5 |
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