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ELH129M010AQ1 Datasheet(PDF) 20 Page - Kemet Corporation |
ELH129M010AQ1 Datasheet(HTML) 20 Page - Kemet Corporation |
20 / 26 page ![]() 20 © KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 • www.kemet.com A4018_ELH • 2/10/2016 Snap-In Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors – ELH Series, +85ºC Impedance (Z) cont’d Impedance as a function of frequency (sinusoidal waveform) for different temperature values can be represented as follows (typical values): 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Z (ohm ) F (KHz) 85°C 20°C 10 µF -40°C R e is the most temperature-dependent component of an electrolytic capacitor equivalent circuit. Electrolyte resistivity will decrease if temperature rises. In order to obtain a low impedance value throughout the temperature range, R e must be as little as possible. However, Re values that are too low indicate a very aggressive electrolyte, resulting in a shorter life of the electrolytic capacitor at high temperatures. A compromise must be reached. Leakage Current (LC) Due to the aluminum oxide layer that serves as a dielectric, a small current will continue to flow even after a DC voltage has been applied for long periods. This current is called leakage current. A high leakage current flows after applying voltage to the capacitor then decreases in a few minutes, e.g., after prolonged storage without any applied voltage. In the course of continuous operation, the leakage current will decrease and reach an almost constant value. After a voltage-free storage the oxide layer may deteriorate, especially at high temperature. Since there are no leakage currents to transport oxygen ions to the anode, the oxide layer is not regenerated. The result is that a higher than normal leakage current will flow when voltage is applied after prolonged storage. |
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