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ELH129M010AQ1 Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Kemet Corporation |
ELH129M010AQ1 Datasheet(HTML) 21 Page - Kemet Corporation |
21 / 26 page ![]() 21 © KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 • www.kemet.com A4018_ELH • 2/10/2016 Snap-In Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors – ELH Series, +85ºC Leakage Current (LC) cont’d As the oxide layer is regenerated in use, the leakage current will gradually decrease to its normal level. The relationship between the leakage current and voltage applied at constant temperature can be shown schematically as follows: Where: V F = Forming voltage If this level is exceeded, a large quantity of heat and gas will be generated and the capacitor could be damaged. V R = Rated Voltage This level represents the top of the linear part of the curve. V S = Surge voltage This lies between V R and VF. The capacitor can be subjected to VS for short periods only. Electrolytic capacitors are subjected to a reforming process before acceptance testing. The purpose of this preconditioning is to ensure that the same initial conditions are maintained when comparing different products. Ripple Current (RC) The maximum ripple current value depends on: • Ambient temperature • Surface area of the capacitor (heat dissipation area) tan δ or ESR • Frequency The capacitor’s life depends on the thermal stress. Frequency Dependence of the Ripple Current ESR and, thus, the tan δ depend on the frequency of the applied voltage. This indicates that the allowed ripple current is also a function of the frequency. Temperature Dependence of the Ripple Current The data sheet specifies maximum ripple current at the upper category temperature for each capacitor. Expected Life Calculation Expected life depends on operating temperature according to the following formula: L = Lo x 2 (To-T)/10 Where: L: Expected life Lo: Load life at maximum permissible operating temperature T: Actual operating temperature To: Maximum permissible operating temperature This formula is applicable between 40°C and To. I V R V F V V S Expected Life Calculation Chart Expected life (h) |
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