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ELH129M010AQ1 Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Kemet Corporation |
ELH129M010AQ1 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Kemet Corporation |
4 / 26 page 4 © KEMET Electronics Corporation • P.O. Box 5928 • Greenville, SC 29606 (864) 963-6300 • A4018_ELH • 2/10/2016 Snap-In Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors – ELH Series, +85ºC Test Method & Performance Conditions Load Life Test Shelf Life Test Temperature 85°C 85°C Test Duration 2,000 hours 1,000 hours Ripple Current Maximum ripple current specified at 120 kHz 85°C specified in table No ripple current applied Voltage The sum of DC voltage and the peak AC voltage must not exceed the rated voltage of the capacitor No voltage applied Performance The following specifications will be satisfied when the capacitor is restored to 20°C: Capacitance Change Within ±20% of the initial value Dissipation Factor Does not exceed 200% of the specified value Does not exceed 200% of the specified value Leakage Current Does not exceed specified value Shelf Life The capacitance, ESR and impedance of a capacitor will not change significantly after extended storage periods, however the leakage current will very slowly increase. KEMET's E-series aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored in high temperatures or where there is a high level of humidity. The suitable storage condition for KEMET's E-series aluminum electrolytic capacitors is +5 to +35ºC and less than 75% in relative humidity. KEMET's E-series aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored in damp conditions such as water, saltwater spray or oil spray. KEMET's E-series aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored in an environment full of hazardous gas (hydrogen sulphide , sulphurous acid gas, nitrous acid, chlorine gas, ammonium, etc.) KEMET's E-series aluminum electrolytic capacitors should not be stored under exposure to ozone, ultraviolet rays or radiation. If a capacitor has been stored for more than 18 months under these conditions and it shows increased leakage current, then a treatment by voltage application is recommended. Re-age (Reforming) Procedure Apply the rated voltage to the capacitor at room temperature for a period of one hour, or until the leakage current has fallen to a steady value below the specified limit. During re-aging a maximum charging current of twice the specified leakage current or 5 mA (whichever is greater) is suggested. |
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